Date posted: 17th August 2018 in Green
Last updated: 9th March 2022
How we commute to work can seriously impact the environment, as well as our health. With 80% of total pollution coming from automobiles, transportation is now the biggest source of carbon emissions within the UK. If making your work commute a little greener is on your list of things to do, here are some helpful suggestions on how to get started…
Get to know the people you work with and save petrol money by asking if anyone wants to share vehicles. If it’s Uber you rely on why not try using Uber Pool, which pairs you with other riders going in the same direction and splits the fare. Another benefit to carpooling is actively contributing to keeping more cars off the. Lighter traffic means people are more inclined to ride their bikes or walk.
If your commute is walkable it’s an obvious winner. Walking or cycling have the smallest impact and fresh air and a bit of exercise do wonder for your mental and physical state.
Similar to the benefits of carpooling, riding the bus to work offers a cheaper alternative than running a car or contributing petrol. Being smarter about your commute can drastically change how much money you spend on gas. A greener commute ultimately means more green in your wallet.
Subway, metro- these are all great alternatives to commute around cities. If the car is a must and you live in a city that has one of these, driving to the nearest station and using public transit for the remainder of your commute is a friendlier option.
If it’s impossible to phase out your car, consider getting a hybrid, electric vehicle, motorcycle, scooter. EVs require less maintenance and by avoiding the gas station, EV drivers save an estimated £13,000 over the life of the vehicle.
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