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5 Ways to go Green

Date posted: 6th June 2018 in Green

Last updated: 8th March 2022

With a growing need to be more environmentally friendly, brands globally have jumped on the ‘eco-friendly’ bandwagon. 

Going green is the way forward, whether your company is a small, medium-sized or large corporation. As well as generating positive PR, going green can also improve your customer's perception of your brand, and in turn, increase sales.

Below are ways in which your organisation can go green:

Plant trees

Planting trees gives the illusion of sophistication and can make your business look visually appealing.  They also play an important role in reducing pollution levels, which in turn improves the environment for your staff, with cleaner air in the atmosphere.

Adopt a paperless office

According to, over 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard are used in the UK per year. If going paperless is a feasible option for your organisation, it is highly recommended that your company plays its part in reducing paper wastage. Not only does it reduce vast amounts of waste, but it also contributes to a sustainable environment. Buying eco-friendly office equipment may sound simplistic, but replacing your current products with eco-friendly ones is not only easy but also cost-effective. Some products you can go green with include:

  • Plastic bags
  • Pens
  • Notebook
  • Beaker
  • Eco mug
  • Umbrella

Encourage staff to ride a bike to work

Riding a bicycle to work has countless amounts of benefits. Some benefits include losing body fat, improved cognitive function, improved sleep and enhanced vascular health. Encouraging your staff to ride a bicycle to work, can show you value your staff and the local environment.


Encouraging your staff to recycle goes a long way in helping the environment. By providing your employees with the options of recycling paper, plastic or glass. Along with the other mentioned methods of going green, recycling waste will demonstrate your organisation's dedication to being a corporate citizen.

Have you considered eco-friendly promotional products for your organisation? 

Strengthen your brand perception with promotional products

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