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Don't get Caught out in the Rain on National Umbrella Day

Date posted: 10th February 2021 in Seasonal

Last updated: 24th February 2022

Don’t get caught out in the rain! 

Happy National Umbrella Day! Umbrellas are a lifesaver for us Brits and without one, let’s face it, we would be lost especially with our unpredictable weather. Luckily for you, picking the perfect brolly has never been easier with EverythingBranded and our wide range. Brits love talking about the weather and did you know that more than 9/10 brits have talked about the weather in the last 6 hours – not surprising with all the snow we have had! 

6 Interesting Umbrella facts

  • The word umbrella comes from the Latin word "umbros" which means shade or shadow.
  • Modern-day widespread acceptance of umbrellas started to spread across Europe in the middle of the 18th century. Up until that point, umbrellas were viewed as a female fashion accessory.
  • The first man who publicly carried an umbrella was Englishman Jonas Hanway. His influence finally introduced the umbrella to the male population of England, and soon after the entire world.
  • Modern-day umbrellas are strikingly similar in their design to the models that were used in ancient Greece and Rome.
  • The technological advancement of the 20th century enabled the creation of mechanisms and materials that are an integral part of modern umbrellas.
  • Over 33 million umbrellas are sold in the United States each year.

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