Home / Blog / Just for fun / Use the World Cup to Score a Marketing Goal This Summer
Date posted: 3rd April 2018 in Just for fun
Last updated: 7th March 2022
With the World Cup coming up, the footballing focus will soon shine on England and their new line up squad. We're here to take a quick look at how your brand could get involved with this football feast. The worldwide event, which is watched by multiple billions of people kicks off on June 14 and the final takes place on July 15, so your organisation has plenty of time to prepare an event.
Sporting events and promotional merchandise go hand in hand, so it makes sense to take advantage of this and use it as a chance to engage with your customers and clients. Although it’s nice and easy to get some promotional products, every company will be trying the same. In order to fully maximise this opportunity, you may need to think outside the box. Events such as the World Cup 2018 can be a great way to get your employees engaged as well as a way of reaching out to new customers. Why not run a fantasy football competition or a World Cup sweepstake? We've got a great number of gifts or awards which can be printed to your design. You could give the winner one of our glass awards or for a less expensive award, how about a couple of branded pens in a classy presentation case?
The key thing with getting promotional products right, in particular in events such as the World Cup is knowing your target audience. What type of products are your customers and clients going to engage with more? We've got a great range of outdoor promotional products including footballs, sports bags and bottles. Perfect for the younger at heart – but it’s important to cater for your demographic. Some other customers may prefer personalised mugs, pens and coasters. It's important to gauge what your customers are looking for.
There are plenty of ways you can use the World Cup to promote your business. With games taking place during the working day, take a break and host an event around some of the games, inviting customers and employees alike. This would be a great time to break out the printed products. If you’re looking for products or ideas of how to take advantage of the World Cup and the rest of the summer of sport, contact us. If you know what your organisation is looking for head online to view all of our products.
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