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Strengthen your Brand Perception

Date posted: 8th April 2019 in Advice

Last updated: 4th March 2022

What is brand perception?

Business owners may feel they know what their brand represents. However, this image may be distorted and often more reflective of their passion for the brand, rather than the reality of consumers unbiased opinion.

Brand perception is owned by consumers, not brands.

Regardless of what you think your brand represents, your brand is ultimately decided by the public and their perception of your business. Knowing who your customers are, what they think of your brand and what else they are passionate about gives you the information you need to harness the power of social, word of mouth and influencers to take control of brand perception. A recent survey completed by The British Promotional Merchandise Association found that promotional products establish a bond between consumers and a brand. Promotional products are a powerful way of not only getting your business into the minds of your potential customers, but more importantly, keeping it there!

Did you know...

  • 94% of us can still recall the name and industry of a business that gifted us a promotional product, even after the six-month mark.
  • Consumers were three times more likely to return as paying customers out of loyalty when gifted promo products rather than through over advertising mediums like web, print, TV or mail.
  • 52% of consumers said their impression of a company is more positive after receiving a promotional product from them.
  • Up to 50% of consumers interact with their promotional products daily.

To ensure positive brand perception through promotional products, be sure to select useful, high-quality products that have value and tie into your brand. You don’t want to represent your brand with cheap, tacky products that break easily and have little benefit to the owner. Make sure to invest in products of a high standard, this will ensure your company is perceived to be of a higher standard and creates an overall polished brand look.


Strengthen your brand perception with promotional products

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