Date posted: 12th June 2018 in Advice
Last updated: 11th August 2022
As students up and down the UK start to confirm their choices for the University they wish to study at, Universities must throw their hat in the ring now. Choosing the right place to study is a large part of a student's life and a difficult decision to make and with fewer and less students opting to go down the university route in the first place, you must get your message out there now to ensure full lecture theatres come September. There are opportunities for students to adjust their choices even after this confirmation period so it is important to remain active right up until the last moment. Even if potential students have not been previously aware of your university, there are multiple aspects that a student will be considering at this point, that you can use to market yourself as the ideal:
A good way of increasing interest is by highlighting any high-ranking courses you have available, especially if other universities may not offer these courses. Use promotional products relevant to such courses to inspire students in the consideration phase. A person is more likely to remember you and that course if they have a physical reminder. This could also be handy if you are trying to increase intake for that particular course.
Moving to university is a scary notion for potential students, which makes choosing the right place for them, even more important. To make sure you are the university to pick, make sure potential students generate a positive perception of your university. Establishing a positive and welcoming impression will help to make students feel as if they will be happy in their new home away from home. Printed goods are a good way of getting your name out there and creating a bond between the recipients and your brand. These marketing tools are also cost-effective, with many of the products costing less than £1 per item.
Why not include a small printed gift such as a Bookmark Memo Pad to help them make notes as they revise for upcoming exams or a printed Coaster for the copious amounts of tea and coffee they will surely need throughout the exam period. Showing some support for students who are revising and working tirelessly to attain the grades they need to go to university is a great way of establishing a bond. Our Account Managers are on hand to advise you on your purchase of promotional products, helping you choose the right products for the students you are trying to target. Call them on 0116 366 0052 to discuss your requirements. To see our full range of over 50,000 products, visit our site’s homepage.
Chat online or call us today on 0116 366 0052
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