Home / Blog / Everything Community News / Inspire Youth Zone: Transforming the Lives of Young People
Date posted: 20th June 2023 in Everything Community News
Last updated: 25th October 2023
It can be frustrating when it feels like people don’t understand you.
When you carry a sense of fear about being judged for just being yourself.
It can be lonely. It can feel isolating.
But that’s life for many young people across the country right now.
If you’re reading this as an adult, you might be able to empathise a little by casting your mind back a decade or two.
But the reality is that in the modern digital age, young people are struggling more than ever.
Studies are finding that our increased reliance on technology and digital devices is leading to an increasing number of young people feeling isolated and alone.
That’s why we’re so supportive of initiatives like the Inspire Youth Zone in Chorley, which is open to young people between the ages of 8 and 19 (up to 25 with additional needs) and helps them access activities, guidance, support and build friendships to become their best selves.
Open 7 days a week when schools are closed, Inspire Youth Zone Chorley is a purpose-built centre that provides young people in the North West with the opportunity to explore new experiences, learn new skills, meet new friends and access the support and guidance they need.
Their ‘Junior Zone’ caters for young people between the ages of 8 and 11 and allows them to get involved in activities designed to promote independence, build friendships, strengthen resilience, and have fun!
There’s also a ‘Senior Zone’ for young people aged between 12 and 19 (up to 25 for young people with additional needs) which provides a safe, secure and inclusive environment to relax and unwind with friends and enjoy a wide range of activities.
For young people interested in sports, the range of activities that the centre offers is impressive. They can enjoy football, badminton, basketball, climbing, rugby, and cricket – plus many others. For more creative young people, they can get involved with singing, dancing, pottery, drawing, drama or photography. And for those wanting to brush up on their life skills, the centre offers courses in baking, cooking, hair and beauty, mindfulness and enterprise.
The team at Inspire are dedicated to making sure that the Youth Zone is inclusive, and take great care to ensure that everybody that everyone can participate in the activities they want to, regardless of their abilities.
In addition to the wide range of activities on offer, the centre also offers youth work support and 1-1 mentoring to help young people that need it.
Inspire also has a ‘Scran Van’ that travels to communities that are difficult to reach and provides free food to young people. The van not only provides hot food and drinks but also helps Inspire to connect with those who might be hesitant to visit the centre.
You can find out more about the charity at their official website.
Inspire Junior Zone
Inspire Senior Zone
Music from members
Football for All
1:1 support and Mentoring
Party Time
Boxing and Fitness
Junior Zone
Inspires’ Building
Believe and Achieve
Scran Van
Everything Branded recently chatted over the phone with Janine Blythe, the Chief Executive of Inspire, where she shared some exciting news: the charity is about to mark its 5th year of serving the local community.
It was great to hear that the centre has become a hub for young people from all over the North West, with many travelling from places like Preston, Southport, and Bolton to take advantage of their facilities.
Janine explained that Inspire will be hosting a party on May 5th to celebrate its 5th anniversary, with all junior and senior members invited to join in the festivities AKA Five Fest!
However, Janine also shared the sobering reality that the families of many young people in the local area are struggling to make ends meet in the face of rising living costs, which is increasing demand for their services.
And with Inspire being heavily reliant on funding and donations, we wondered if there was anything Everything Community (the charitable arm of Everything Branded) could do to support their charity.
Team Work preparations
5th Birthday Celebrations
Positive outcomes for all
Community Spirit
After hearing about the continued great work that Inspire do for young people in the community, we were delighted to make a donation of £1000 to support their ongoing efforts, and help them deliver a memorable event for the young people they support on the 5th May.
It really is our privilege to help out a charity that is making such a difference.
If you’ve felt inspired by this post, any donation would be greatly appreciated by the charity.
Inspire is reliant on funding and donations to continue its great work, and a donation of £30 can help provide a hot meal for a child for a whole month.
Everything Community manages the social responsibility and community support initiatives of Everything Global.
If you’re a registered charity and want to talk about how we can potentially work together, we’d love to hear from you at [email protected]
We’re keen on helping all charities and community causes where we can, but we prioritise requests from smaller charities and those that are local to the Leicester area.
Chat online or call us today on 0116 366 0052
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