Home / Blog / Sports & Fitness / Start Easy with your New Year’s Goals
Date posted: 16th January 2020 in Sports & Fitness
Last updated: 7th August 2024
It’s the start of 2020 which means people are talking about crazy diets and going to the gym every day. However, having a healthy lifestyle doesn’t need to be difficult.
Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn’t need to consist of going to the gym every day and living off vegetables, but instead making smarter decisions. Overdoing it is why most diets fail, as this type of lifestyle isn’t attainable and is why after just 1 week a quarter of people have already quit their new year’s diet. However, reaching your new year’s goals are possible with some basic equipment and the space and comfort of your own home.
Starting with small goals means you are less likely to fall out of love with exercise and instead let it become part of your everyday routine. There is no need for use of big heavy machinery at the gym or waste your money on fuel or a membership. Some simple and affordable equipment that is easy to understand and be used in the comfort of your own home can be just as effective.
Start your ‘at home’ workout with one of our easy to use Bodywork Exercise Bands. These bands are ideal for exercising individual muscle groups and strengthening the back, as well as joint-protective exercises. These bands also come in a range of three strengths; light, medium and strong.
One of the most traditional but yet very effective workout equipment you can use is a skipping rope. Our branded skipping ropes are ideal for anyone looking for an at-home intense 10-minute blast workout. Short and intense blasts are very effective and don’t take up too much of your time.
Our Fitness Kit is another great gadget for anyone looking to stick to their new year’s goals in 2020. This product is perfect for anyone looking to sculpt their body such as; arms, legs or chest muscles wherever and whenever you have a few minutes spare.
Chat online or call us today on 0116 366 0052
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